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 Baked Chicken with Mushrooms Recipe
for 2 person
10 minutes
35 minutes

If you want to avoid smelly clothes and prepare a very enjoyable dinner, the best way is to choose dishes cooked in the oven.

While cooking meat, chicken, fish and vegetables in the oven with less oil adds a healthy atmosphere to the food, cooking it with its own steam for a longer time than in a pan or pot doubles or even triples its flavor. According to a research, we like to consume mushrooms with chicken the most, and we even think that the taste of mushrooms becomes more delicious with the water released by the chicken while cooking. Well, when this is the case, a few flavor enhancing elements combined, the option of cooking chicken, mushrooms, carrots and onions in the oven was enough to make hearts come out of our eyes. .

Then, you can do your other work, read your book, or even have fun while the meal you prepared is cooking in the oven without wasting much time. Long live practical meals!


Ingredients for Baked Mushroom Chicken Recipe
  • 2 chicken thighs
  • 2 onions _
  • 10-15 cultivated mushrooms
  • 1 carrot _
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce

How to Make Baked Chicken with Mushrooms Recipe?

  • Set your oven to 175 degrees, fanless program.
  • Grease the inside of your cast iron pan with measured olive oil using a napkin.
  • Wash and clean the chickens.
  • Chop the carrots and onions randomly into large pieces.
  • Clean the mushrooms and place them whole in your cast iron pan. Place the chicken and other vegetables neatly.
  • Add spices and soy sauce and cover the pan with aluminum foil.
  • After 35-40 minutes your meal is ready, that's it, bon appetit!