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 Chicken Keşkek Recipe
for 6 people
30 minutes
1 hour

Keşkek is a traditional dish that is cooked on special occasions in almost all regions, is abundant, gives you a feeling of fullness, is a bit laborious but still tastes delicious. Keskek, made in Eastern Anatolia, Western Anatolia, Central Anatolia, Black Sea and Thrace, varies depending on the region as it is made with lamb, beef, chicken and even rabbit meat, and each of them is incredibly delicious.

Since it is quite laborious to make, kashkek is usually made during circumcision ceremonies, holidays and weddings. This delicacy, cooked over wood fire in casseroles and large cauldrons, is accompanied by dishes that vary depending on the region. Dishes such as boiled chicken, roasted meat, and chickpea dish with tomato paste are just a few of the dishes served with keskek!

Of course, we don't have to wait for special occasions to taste this amazing taste. We can also enjoy it at delicious tables at home with our loved ones. We leave the video below, we send our love to all food lovers who enjoy this traditional taste, bon appetit.

Ingredients for Chicken Keşkek Recipe
  • 500 grams of wheat (soaked in hot water for at least 3 hours)
  • 2 chicken thighs ( thighed, boiled and shredded)
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper powder
  • 1 liter of water (for cooking wheat)
  • 3 scoops of chicken broth

How to Make Chicken Keşkek Recipe?

  • Put the wheat, which has been soaked in water preferably 1 day before, into a pot, add water and cook until the wheat bursts and becomes soft.
  • When the wheat absorbs its water, add 3 more ladles of chicken broth and continue cooking until it becomes crushed. During this time, no spoon should touch the wheat.
  • Mash the wheat slowly over low heat with the help of a wooden spoon.
  • Add the boiled chickens and continue mashing together.
  • Add salt and pepper and continue mashing until it reaches a paste consistency. This process will take a long time. Meanwhile, cook by controlling the fire to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
  • Melt the butter in a separate pan.
  • Add ground red pepper and remove from the stove.
  • Place the cooked kashk, which has reached a paste-like consistency, on serving plates, pour the powdered pepper-butter mixture over it and serve.