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 Chicken Recipe with Café de Paris Sauce
for 3 person
5 min
25 minutes

A dish where spices and mustard dance on the cream, embracing tender chicken... A dish that came from France and stopped by Italy on the way...

Thank you in advance.

Ingredients for Café de Paris Sauce Chicken Recipe
  • 1 pack of cream
  • 2 tablespoons mustard
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 1 teaspoon grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 teaspoons pesto sauce
  • 2 pinches of ground pepper
  • 1 pinch of thyme
  • 2 pinches garlic powder
  • 1 pinch cumin
  • 500 grams of cubed chicken breast

How to Make Chicken Recipe with Café de Paris Sauce?

  • Preferably a wok pan, or any other pan that can distribute the heat evenly, put it on the stove, turn the heat on and heat it thoroughly.
  • Once the pan is heated, add the chicken. Wait until the parts touching the pan are slightly sealed.
  • Continue cooking by shaking the pan and turning the chicken frequently. They will slowly release their water. If you wish, you can pour the water into a separate bowl. Even if you don't take it, it will evaporate and you can continue.
  • After the chicken is cooked, place it on a plate and wait for your pan to cool slightly.
  • We want the flavors of the chicken left in the pan to transfer to the sauce, so continue using the same pan. After the pan has cooled, add the cream, mustard and butter to the pan at the same time.
  • Turn the stove on medium low heat and stir the ingredients constantly. Once the sauce is heated through, add the spices, pesto and parmesan.
  • Continue mixing and when the sauce reaches your desired consistency, add the chicken. After mixing it a little and heating it a little, it is ready to be served. Enjoy your meal!