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 Curry Sauce Chicken & Creamy Pasta Recipe
for 4 people
20 minutes
25 minutes

If we were asked which food goes best with curry, the first answer that would probably come to our mind would be chicken. Pasta, especially pasta with a rich creamy sauce, goes very well with it. Let's bring these two flavors together on one plate for dinner. Let's enjoy our satisfying and economical menu to the fullest. The recipe is on us, the making is on you!

Ingredients for Curry Sauce Chicken & Creamy Pasta Recipe
  • 1/2 pack of boiled pasta
  • 1 pack of cream
  • 1 teaspoon curry
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 12 pieces of chicken breast

How to Make Curry Sauce Chicken & Creamy Pasta Recipe?

  • First, let's boil our pasta and set it aside. Then, chop the chicken into cubes and cook over low heat until the water is absorbed.
  • Then, add a little oil to the cooked chicken, add two tablespoons of cream and curry powder and fry for 10 minutes.
  • Let's pour the pasta into a separate pan, pour all the cream on it and add some salt. Let's put it on a serving plate. Enjoy your meal.