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 Oven Whole Chicken Recipe
for 4 people
10 minutes
45 minutes

Who can say no to a pomegranate fried chicken, which is among the must-haves of invitation dinners? The fact that the cooking process takes place in the oven makes it easy to prepare dinner in a practical way.

While it is a delicious and satisfying meal for large families, it is also a recipe where you can add any side dishes you desire. Another advantage of preparing chicken in the oven is that you can enjoy it with its bones after eating it. Good luck in advance! Enjoy your meal..

Ingredients for Baked Whole Chicken Recipe
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 medium size whole chicken
  • 1 onion ( cut into apple slices)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 large potato
  • 1/2 onion _
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

How to Make Oven Whole Chicken Recipe?

  • Mix butter, red pepper powder, lemon juice, salt and black pepper in a bowl.
  • Place the chicken on the tray you will put in the oven. Rub the skin of the chicken completely with the butter mixture you prepared.
  • Place the onion cut into apple slices, bay leaf and a sprig of fresh rosemary inside. Place the sliced potatoes and half onion next to the chicken and drizzle olive oil on them.
  • After baking in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 45 minutes, serve by portioning. Share with your loved ones. Enjoy your meal.