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Fried Horse Mackerel with Coriander Recipe
for 4 people
25 minutes
10 minutes

"Spicy fish with tomato paste?" Those who said, it was so beautiful.

Leave the classic fish recipes aside! Try it at the first opportunity, you definitely won't regret it. Enjoy your meal

Ingredients for Fried Horse Mackerel with Coriander Recipe
  • 1 kilogram of horse mackerel
  • 2 teaspoons tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon (crushed) coriander seeds (crushed)
  • 1 teaspoon of chili pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (optional)
  • 6-7 tablespoons of flour
  • 3 cups frying oil

How to Make Fried Horse Mackerel with Coriander Recipe?

  • Horse mackerel is split in half without cutting it completely.
  • Some of the horse mackerel should have bones and some should remain boneless.
  • Add tomato paste, coriander, chili pepper and salt to the cut horse mackerel in a bowl.
  • If possible, coriander should be crushed finely in a mortar and added to the mixture.
  • Added ingredients and fish are thoroughly mixed.
  • Meanwhile, add oil to the pan and make the oil hot. Before the fish is placed in the pan, the entire part of the fish should be coated in flour and then placed in the pan.
  • After the fish is fried, it is ready to eat. Enjoy your meal. :)