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Grilled Salmon Recipe
for 2 person
10 minutes
10 minutes

If barbecues have appeared on balconies, gardens, and coal and kindling are now added to the shopping list, here is the most beautiful fish, "salmon", with an alternative cooking technique to pans.

Salmon, a source of Omega 3, is very beneficial for our cardiovascular health, and although doctors say that we should consume it at least twice a week, we could not accept salmon into our kitchen and tables very quickly. We weren't exactly sure how to cook it or what to consume it with. It was an oily type of fish, it was a little different from our typical fish, it was very normal for us to accept it immediately. We've never had it fried, we've had it steamed, maybe, but to tell the truth, we liked it best grilled. It's really colorful with potatoes and arugula. You are one of us now, salmon.

Today we wanted to share with you the coolest and latest version. May your barbecue have plenty of fire or your pan have plenty of power.

Ingredients for Grilled Salmon Recipe
  • 2 slices of salmon
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 orange juice
  • 10-15 black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon coarsely ground sea salt
  • 1-2 sprigs of fresh thyme (or rosemary) as desired

How to Make Grilled Salmon Recipe?

  • Place the salmon in a large bowl and mix the olive oil into the salmon thoroughly.
  • Put the pan on the stove and heat it.
  • Add orange juice, black pepper and sea salt to the salmon that you have coated with olive oil.
  • Grease the heated pan with a little olive oil using a napkin.
  • Cook the salmon for 5 minutes on both sides. Serve with rosemary or fresh thyme, that's it, enjoy!