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Salmon Recipe with Teriyaki Sauce
for 1 person
20 minutes
50 minutes

You can't get enough of a hearty slice of salmon marinated in teriyaki sauce with a healthy side dish of sautéed peas and béarnaise sauce. Tuti Restaurant, shared exclusively on, is a recipe that can be prepared at home, with its tips and cooking steps.

Don't forget to share it with your loved ones.

Ingredients for Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce Recipe
  • 250 grams of salmon
  • 75 grams of pumpkin
  • 100 grams of sultana peas
  • 10 grams of sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

For teriyaki sauce:

  • 50 grams mirin (rice wine)
  • 50 grams soy sauce
  • 50 grams of rice vinegar
  • 25 grams of honey
  • 3 lemon sticks (lemongrass )
  • 40 grams of brown sugar
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh coriander

For bearnaise sauce:

  • 4cl . white wine vinegar
  • 4cl . White wine
  • 5 chives _
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • 5 grams of tarragon herb
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to Make Salmon Recipe with Teriyaki Sauce?

  • To prepare teriyaki sauce; Transfer the rice wine mirin, soy sauce, rice vinegar, honey and brown sugar to a small saucepan and boil the sauce ingredients for 1-2 minutes.
  • Chop the lemon sticks and fresh coriander into small pieces and add them to the boiled sauce mixture, then remove the mixture from the stove.
  • If you have time, buy a thick slice of salmon and leave it in the sauce mixture for a day.
  • To prepare bearnaise sauce; Finely chop the chives and tarragon. Boil white wine vinegar, white wine, black peppercorns and chopped chives over low heat. Strain the boiling sauce after cooling it.
  • Place the strained sauce mixture into a metal mixing bowl. In a mixing bowl placed over boiling water steam in a separate pot, mix the drained sauce mixture and egg yolks with the help of a whisk.
  • Melt it over low heat and add the completely yellow butter, which removes the milk foam that rises to the surface, into the sauce mixture little by little and continue whisking.
  • After adding lemon juice and salt, transfer the sauce mixture you prepared using the bain-marie method to the sauce container you will use during service. The sauce you will use while serving is ready. It's time to cook the salmon.
  • If you want to prepare salmon in a practical way, dip the salmon in teriyaki sauce and cook it on the grill. For the sultani peas you will serve; Sauté the sultanas with sea salt and black pepper. Cook the squash slices cut into strips on the grill.
  • Place a large slice of grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce on top of the grilled zucchini slices. Enjoy the deliciousness accompanied by bearnaise sauce and sautéed sultana peas. Share with your loved ones.