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Sea Bass in Milk Recipe
for 4 people
1 hour
45 minutes

''My fellow citizens!

We made great and lots of things in such a short time. "The greatest of these works is the Republic of Turkey, whose foundation is Turkish heroism and high Turkish culture."

This time, the calendar leaves show October 29, 2023.

Today, a century has passed since our Ancestor made these sentences on the 10th anniversary of the Republic. We are in the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye, which was founded with heroic and noble struggles. We couldn't sit at those simple and elegant tables set up at the 10th anniversary ball, but we brought together modern plates that symbolized our values on a single table. We answer the question "What dishes would we serve if we could invite all our users to this table on the 100th anniversary of our Republic?" with these plates, each with different meanings.

The name of this plate is "Together". Anatolia has always been known as the cradle of civilizations. It was blended with dozens of different cultures, and differences became the greatest wealth of this society. The sea bass plate in milk was prepared with inspiration from this. Milk and fish, two products that are not usually thought of being consumed together, emphasize the harmony of difference with this plate. Just like our beauties that emerge when we are all together.

This recipe, in which fish fillets are carefully prepared, is completed with a delicious sauce of milk and butter. Colorful vegetables used as garnish add elegance and flavor to your plate. When the skin of the fish is fried with a special touch, it creates an eye-catching presentation on the plate. Fried dill completes this flavor.

We will continue to walk on the path you opened, towards the goal you showed, without getting tired, with our noble and upright stance. Let this table be a gift from us to our Ancestor, his comrades in arms, and the Turkish nation. Team

Ingredients for Sea Bass in Milk Recipe
  • 4 sea bass fillets
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 8 tablespoons of oil

For the sauce:

  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 2 cups fish broth
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For its vegetables:

  • 2 carrots _
  • 2 zucchinis _
  • 1 potato _
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

How to Make Sea Bass in Milk Recipe?

  • Cut the fish fillets in half, remove the fatty and hard tissues on the edges, and make shallow cuts on the skin side with a knife.
  • Sprinkle plenty of salt on all surfaces of the fish and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Take the fish out of the refrigerator and desalinate it in ice water and let it dry on a towel.
  • Take out round pieces from the vegetables needed for the garnish with a wide Parisian spoon and cook them in salted boiling water. Strain the cooked vegetables and mix them with olive oil.
  • For the sauce, fry the flour and butter in a large sauce pan until it softens and becomes fragrant.
  • First add the fish broth to the roasted mixture, little by little, stirring constantly. Finally, add the milk in the same way and cook, stirring, until it reaches a thick boza consistency.
  • Add the salt and remove from the stove. Add a small amount of oil to a large pan that you have preheated over medium heat and start cooking the fish with the skin side down.
  • You can gently press the fish from above until its skin takes color. After the skin of the honeysuckle hardens and takes color, turn it over and cook for about 1-2 minutes, then remove it from the pan. To serve, fry the dill in hot oil for 30 seconds to make it crispy.
  • When serving, cover the bottom of the plate with a thin layer of sauce, place the fish with space between them, place the vegetables in a row and complete the final touch with fried dill. Enjoy your meal.