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Alinazik Recipe with Cubed Meat
for 2 person
15 minutes
25 minutes

We are here with a delicious recipe that will suit your tables very well! Get ready to make everyone happy with the Alinazik recipe with cubed meat. Gather the ingredients and go to the kitchen. Thank you in advance.

Ingredients for Alinazik Recipe with Cubed Meat
  • 3 eggplants _
  • 300 grams of cubed meat
  • 150 grams of yoghurt
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon (wiping) chili pepper

How to Make Alinazik Recipe with Cubed Meat?

  • We put the eggplants and red peppers in the oven to roast. (It is roasted at 200-250 degrees for about 20 minutes.)
  • While the eggplants are roasting, we immediately wash our cubed meat and put it in the pot to boil. We boil it for 10-15 minutes, depending on the meat's doneness, and reserve the water to use later.
  • We add salt, butter and tomato paste to the meat and sauté it.
  • We peel the roasted eggplants and add them to our yoghurt mixed with 2 crushed cloves of garlic. (We do not forget to season the eggplants with olive oil and salt and mash them.)
  • We first put our eggplant with yoghurt on our plate, and then our meat on it. Enjoy your meal.