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Beef Pouch Recipe
4 servings
5 min
5 hours

Beef pöç is a dish that is easy to make, has few ingredients, and takes a long time to cook. It is a meat dish specific to Central Anatolia, made from the coccyx of the calf. One of the main reasons why it is not very common is that approximately 1 kilo of poop comes out of a 400 kilo calf. It is a muscular and delicious meat because it comes from the tail, which is the most active part of the calf. Let's take you to the kitchen for the beef poop recipe!

Ingredients for Beef Pöç Recipe
  • 1.5 kilograms of beef brisket
  • 2 onions _
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 glass of water

How to Make Beef Pouch Recipe?

  • First of all, we cut our onions into half-moon shapes, arrange some of them on the bottom of the pot, and then place the meat side by side to support each other.
  • After placing the remaining onions on top of the meat, we arrange the whole garlic between the meat.
  • After pouring the spice mixture consisting of black pepper, rosemary and salt over the meat, we pour 1 glass of water into the pot.
  • That's all the steps to do for our meal, after that we start the cooking process. When our water starts to boil and foam begins to appear on the meat, we remove the foam.
  • Our meat, which we cooked over low heat for about 5 hours, reached the consistency we wanted. Our meats, cooked for a long time, are cooked like Turkish delight with a tandoor consistency.
  • I chose rice as a side product for service. It both visually suits the plate and is complementary in taste. Enjoy your meal.