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Beef Stroganoff Salad Recipe
for 1 person
30 minutes
20 minutes

After the tenderloin cut into long thin strips, onion cut into half-moon shapes, thinly sliced mushrooms, cream and pickled cucumber are cooked in a cast iron pan, let's fry the matcha potatoes in deep oil. Meanwhile, let's prepare a small salad with olive oil-lemon dressing and turn the beef stroganoff dish into a fun and satisfying salad.

You can easily prepare the beef stroganoff salad recipe, a richly creamy meat dish, in's special shoot at home, and serve it to your loved ones along with other Masa Restaurant recipes that will complement the main meal pleasure.

Ingredients for Beef Stroganoff Salad Recipe
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 200 grams of tenderloin meat
  • 25 grams of onion
  • 25 grams of cultivated mushrooms
  • 50 grams of cream
  • 100 grams of potatoes
  • 100 grams of mixed Mediterranean greens
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil-lemon sauce

How to Make Beef Stroganoff Salad Recipe?

  • Cut the tenderloin into long thin strips. Chop the peeled onion into half-moon shapes. Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and slice them thinly.
  • Cut the potatoes into match-shaped pieces and fry them in hot and deep oil until they turn golden brown. Place it on a paper towel to release excess oil and let it rest for a short time.
  • After drying the mixed Mediterranean greens, which you have sorted and washed in plenty of water, in the salad spinner, place them on a serving plate. Mix with the addition of olive oil-lemon sauce.
  • Heat the olive oil in a wide-based cast iron pan. Sauté the tenderloin slices over high heat. Add mushrooms and onions and continue the sautéing process. Add cream and cook over low heat. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add thinly sliced pickled cucumbers and mix.
  • Share it with your loved ones without delay, accompanied by French fries and beef stroganoff.