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Büryan Kebab Recipe
for 3 person
10 minutes
1.5 hours

We are here with a recipe whose father is Murat IV. A kebab, also known as Biryan or puryan among the public, comes from the Arabic word "Perive", meaning a side of meat. Rumor has it that a shepherd from Bitlis cooked the meat in a well and presented it to the sultan of the time, Murata IV, who liked it very much and said, "It was cooked like Büryan." Here is a kebab recipe that has survived from that time until today: Büryan Kebab.

The original is quite difficult to cook; A wood fire is placed at the bottom of the tandoors, which are approximately 2.5 meters deep and plastered with mud, dug in the ground, a copper cauldron and meats with bones are placed on the fire, and the lamb is suspended in this pit with a hanger. The lid of the pit is closed and the lamb is heated by the steam of the meats with bones cooked below, without any contact with the air. It is cooked slowly and over a long period of time. However, we do not want you to dig a hole in the middle of your kitchen just to eat buryan kebab. For this reason, we are sharing the homemade biryan kebab recipe with you. While eating, you also send a greeting to that shepherd cook. Bon appetit in advance.

Ingredients for Büryan Kebab Recipe
  • 1250 grams of lamb neck meat
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper

For service:

  • 1 pita (or flatbread )
  • 3-4 roasted peppers
  • 3-4 roasted onions

How to Make Büryan Kebab Recipe?

  • First, put the meat in a bowl and mix it well with olive oil, salt and black pepper. Rub the meat with this mixture as if massaging and apply the mixture to the meat.
  • Afterwards, place the meat in a cast iron pan that you have heated for about 10 minutes (if you do not have a cast iron pan, you can use another pan with a thick bottom and a non-stick surface), without adding extra oil, and seal the meat for a total of 2 minutes for each piece, turning it every 15 seconds.
  • Wrap the sealed meats, one by one, first in wax paper and then in aluminum foil to prevent air tightness, and place them on a baking tray.
  • Add about 4-5 glasses of water into the baking tray and leave it to bake in the preheated oven at 220 degrees for about 1.5 hours.
  • During the cooking period, check from time to time whether the water in the tray runs out. If the water runs out, open the oven door, add water and continue cooking.
  • At the end of the cooking time, remove the meat from the oven and open the aluminum foil and wax paper.
  • Separate the meat from the bones and roughly chop it.
  • Place the meat on bazmala or pita bread and serve hot with roasted peppers and roasted onions.