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Double Meatball Puff Pastry Recipe
for 4 people
30 minutes
45 minutes

Just imagine... What kind of meatball can knock out a hamburger... We will tell you a little secret today.

With the double meatball puff pastry recipe, between the giant meatballs divided in two, cheddar cheese, pickled jalapeno and roasted red peppers display themselves in all their glory. In fact, this is not enough and we spoil the meatballs a little more with chechil cheese and trap all this flavor in the puff pastry.

Seeing this unity, the hamburger quickly leaves the room. This giant meatball is so cute and delicious!

Come on, the video is on us, it's up to you to go to the kitchen.

Ingredients for Double Meatball Puff Pastry Recipe
  • 250 grams of minced meat
  • 1 onion _
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tea glass of bread crumbs
  • 1 egg _
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1/4 bunch of dill
  • 1 pinch of chili pepper
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • 6 puff pastry dough
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste (diluted)
  • 50 grams of chechil cheese
  • 5-10 pickled jalapeno peppers
  • 1 egg yolk (if you wish, dilute it with diluted tomato paste and spread it )

How to Make Double Meatball Puff Pastry Recipe?

  • Set the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Grind the onion in the food processor.
  • Put the minced meat in a bowl. Add onion and garlic. Add other ingredients and spices.
  • Knead until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.
  • Place baking paper in a heat-resistant rectangular bowl and bake the meatballs in the oven for 15-20 minutes, making sure both sides are cooked.
  • Glue 6 square puff pastry sheets together and roll them out into a rectangular shape.
  • Divide the cooked meatball in half.
  • Place the puff pastry into a greased heat-resistant glass bowl.
  • Apply diluted tomato paste and place the bottom base of the meatball you cut in half.
  • Place chechil cheese, roasted red pepper and jalapeno cheese on top.
  • Place the other half of the meatball and wrap it with chechil cheese.
  • Cover the whole meatball with puff pastry and make scratches on it. Apply egg yolk and diluted tomato paste and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. That's it, bon appetit!