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Filetto Di Manzo (Grilled Beef Tenderloin) Recipe
for 1 person
20 minutes
20 minutes

Grilled beef tenderloin served with demi-glace sauce and white quinoa salad that will add a refreshing spring taste to your service. It comes together on the same plate, and all you have to do is taste this flavor in the Armani atmosphere.

You can prepare the grilled beef tenderloin, the tips of which we learned from chef Moreno Polverini in the special shoot, for your loved ones, along with other Emporio Armani Ristorante recipes.

Ingredients for Filetto Di Manzo (Grilled Beef Tenderloin) Recipe
  • 180 grams of beef tenderloin
  • 120 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • 25 grams demi glace sauce
  • 60 grams white quinoa (cooked in vegetable broth)
  • 10 grams of red onion
  • 10 grams of boiled pumpkin
  • 10 grams of boiled carrots
  • 2 grams of parsley
  • 5 ml. extra virgin olive oil

How to Make Filetto Di Manzo (Grilled Beef Tenderloin) Recipe?

  • Cook the pre-rested tenderloin on the grill over high heat. Sauté porcini mushrooms over high heat and add finely chopped parsley.
  • Mix the previously cooked white quinoa with boiled carrots, zucchini and sauteed red onion in a deep mixing bowl.
  • Place the quinoa salad you prepared on the bottom of the serving plate and the grilled tenderloin on the top. Serve hot with sautéed mushrooms and demi-glace sauce.