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Kabune Pilaf Recipe
for 6 people
45 minutes
1 hour

We have prepared a delicious recipe from Isparta, our beautiful city that smells like roses! When Isparta is mentioned, the first famous dishes that come to mind are oven kebab and Kabune pilaf. Kabune pilaf has a beautiful story. This delicious pilaf is cooked in large cauldrons set up in the gardens during weddings and its taste is different.

Kabune pilaf also has a story known in the region. Once upon a time, a bride and her mother-in-law lived together. One day, the mother-in-law was going to leave the house and go to the market, and she told her daughter-in-law to cook dinner until she arrived. There were few materials at home. There was boiled meat, onion and chickpeas. The bride prepared a pilaf with these three ingredients. When the mother-in-law returned home and saw the food, she said in her own accent, "G-bu- what?" '' he said and over time, it took names such as kabune, gabune and started to be served at weddings.

If there are those who are impatiently waiting for the recipe of this sweet, storied dish, we will leave the ingredients and recipe below. Thank you in advance!

Ingredients for Kabune Rice Recipe
  • 1 onion (chopped, rubbed with salt )
  • 750 grams of beef neck (pressure cooked)
  • 2.5 cups baldo rice
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of ground red pepper
  • 2 cups chickpeas (boiled)
  • 2 cups broth
  • 1.5 glasses of water

How to Make Kabune Pilaf Recipe?

  • Pressure cook the beef neck with water until it becomes very soft. Save the remaining water to use in rice. Soak the chickpeas the night before and cook them the next day until they are soft.
  • Chop the onions into white pieces. Rub it with salt. Place onions on the bottom of the pot.
  • Shred the pressure-cooked meat and add it to the onions and spread.
  • Add the washed rice onto the meat. Sprinkle salt, black pepper and red pepper powder on it.
  • Add the boiled chickpeas onto the rice.
  • Finally, add the broth in which you boiled the meat and 1.5 cups of water.
  • Cover the pot and cook first on high heat for 10 minutes, then on low heat for about 25 minutes.
  • Let the rice steep for 15 minutes. Then invert the pot onto a large serving plate.
  • Portion it into plates and enjoy it with your loved ones.