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Lamb Chops Recipe
for 1 person
30 minutes
30 minutes

Lamb chops coated with spices and powdered pistachios; It is served with roasted pepper sauce, which turns foamy as it is ground after being fried in butter, accompanied by garlic, onion and tomato, and boiled cracked wheat.

You can try to prepare The Dish Room Restaurant recipes, which we listened to from chef Özgür Üstün in the special shoot, in your own kitchen.

Ingredients for Lamb Chops Recipe
  • 220 grams of lamb chops
  • 15 grams of butter
  • 15 grams of onion
  • 5 grams of garlic
  • 5 grams of tomatoes

For coating:

  • 5 grams of powdered pistachios
  • 5 grams of thyme
  • 5 grams of salt
  • 3 grams ground black pepper
  • 3 grams of fennel seeds

For service:

  • 10 grams of cracked wheat (pre-soaked in water)
  • 10 grams of roasted pepper

How to Make Lamb Chops Recipe?

  • For the spicy, crispy coating mixture that will add flavor to the lamb chops; Go over the powdered pistachios, thyme, fennel seeds and ground black pepper with a sharp knife. Add salt and mix.
  • After coating both sides of the lamb chops with the spice mixture you prepared, keep them at room temperature if you are going to cook them immediately.
  • Cut the onion and garlic you will use during the frying process into very small pieces to add flavor. Chop the tomato you peeled in the same way.
  • To use in the service, boil the cracked wheat that you have previously soaked in water until it becomes soft in plenty of water.
  • Melt the butter in a cast iron pan. Sauté the onion and garlic you cut into small pieces over high heat until they turn a light color.
  • Fry the lamb chops coated with spices over high heat until they turn brown. Add the tomatoes you cut into cubes and make the sauce even more delicious.
  • Place the lamb chops that you have cooked over high heat for the desired time according to your taste, onto a serving plate. After boiling and draining the cracked wheat and cooking it in the pan in which you fried the lamb chops for 2-3 minutes, serve it with the chops.
  • Serve the lamb chops, which you made the final touch with the roasted red pepper puree from the blender, without waiting. Share with your loved ones.