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Lamb Shank Recipe
for 1 person
30 minutes
2 hours

Lamb shank, which is kept in a special marinade prepared in a short time for a day, is served hot with mushroom risotto. You can't get enough of this flavor from Barnie's kitchen.

You can share other Barnie's Coffee Kitchen recipes with your guests at home, the tips of which we have learned, especially lamb shanks and risotto marinated in a specially prepared marination mixture for .

Ingredients for Lamb Shank Recipe
  • 250 grams of lamb shank
  • 50 grams of olive oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 grams of black pepper
  • 2 grams of salt
  • 2 grams of rosemary
  • 10 ml. soy sauce
  • 5 grams of granulated sugar

For risotto:

  • 120 grams of risotto rice
  • 30 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • 30 grams of cultivated mushrooms
  • 5 grams of butter
  • 350 ml. hot vegetable broth
  • 10 grams of cream
  • 5 grams of powdered parmesan cheese

For service:

  • 50 grams demi-glace sauce

How to Make Lamb Shank Recipe?

  • Lamb shank with bones and fatty parts cleaned; Prepare the marinade mixture with olive oil, freshly ground black pepper, bay leaf, rosemary, soy sauce and granulated sugar and leave it in the refrigerator for a day to further enhance its flavor.
  • Bake the lamb shank, which you have left in the marinating mixture for as long as you have time, in a preheated oven at 160 degrees, covered with aluminum foil, for about 60 minutes.
  • After one hour, remove the foil and continue cooking the lamb shank at low heat for another 60 minutes.
  • For risotto; Melt the butter in a separate pan over low heat. Add the porcini and mushrooms you cut into small pieces and the risotto rice and fry in butter for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add the boiling hot vegetable broth over low heat, little by little, and let the rice absorb.
  • Continue adding vegetable broth, little by little, to the risotto you are cooking, stirring to release the starch.
  • Finally, add cream and powdered parmesan cheese to the thickened rice.
  • After mixing it one last time, place the steaming risotto on a serving plate.
  • Place the lamb shank straight out of the oven in the middle of the risotto, pour hot cast iron glace sauce over it, and serve immediately.