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Potato Tray Kebab Recipe
for 4 people
20 minutes
30 minutes

If you want to cook a different and practical recipe other than the dishes you usually cook for dinner, we have a delicious recipe for you! This recipe, inspired by the harmony of potatoes and meatballs, is easily prepared and baked in the oven!

Meatballs with plenty of vegetables and fried round slices of potatoes will turn your dinner into a feast as an oven dish. You can prepare a filling dinner by cooking rice pilaf on the side, or serve it with tzatziki for a lighter dinner. Bon appetit in advance!

Ingredients for Potato Tray Kebab Recipe

For the Meatballs:

  • 1 tomato _
  • 1 onion _
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 capia pepper
  • 500 grams medium-fat ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of ground red pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme
  • 1 tablespoon of oil

For the above:

  • 2 potatoes (sliced into rounds, fried )
  • 3 green peppers
  • 1 tomato _

How to Make Potato Tray Kebab Recipe?

  • For the meatballs; Blend the tomatoes, onion, garlic, green pepper and capia pepper.
  • In a bowl, mix the vegetables, minced meat, salt, black pepper, ground red pepper, thyme and oil well and knead them.
  • Spread the minced meat in a greased round baking dish.
  • Arrange the fried potatoes nicely on the edges of the tray. Arrange the tomatoes in the middle and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • Serve the potato tray kebab hot from the oven and enjoy!