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Pressure Cooker Meat with Mushrooms Recipe
for 4 people
15 minutes
30 minutes

It is safe to say that it is impossible to achieve the consistency of meat cooked in a pressure cooker with any other cooking method. Today, we have come to you with a recipe for a meat dish that is as soft as Turkish delight and separates into its fibers even as you stab it with a fork.

The recipe for meat with mushrooms in the pressure cooker will prove that even those who are new to the kitchen can create wonderful flavors with its ease. Let's get you into the kitchen for our recipe, which is one of the most delicious ways to use leftover meat from the holiday.

Ingredients for Pressure Cooker Meat with Mushrooms Recipe
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 750 grams of beef truffle meat (coarsely chopped)
  • 1 onion (chopped )
  • 2 cloves of garlic (sliced)
  • 400 grams of cultured mushrooms (coarsely chopped)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 2 teaspoons of butter
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 3 glasses of water

How to Make Pressure Cooker Meat with Mushrooms Recipe?

  • Heat the oil, put the meat in the pot, and cook until the meat releases its juices.
  • Add onion, garlic, mushrooms, salt, black pepper, flour, butter, thyme and water, respectively. Mix a few turns after each ingredient you add.
  • Close the pressure cooker lid, cook for 25 minutes after the water boils. Release the air from the pot.
  • After checking the doneness, place it on a serving plate, sprinkle parsley on top if desired, and serve. Enjoy your meal!