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Sleepiness Recipe
for 2 person
10 minutes
15 minutes

Sleepiness is obtained from two different parts of the lamb. With this information, let's start by correcting all the misinformation about what sleepiness is. Its consistency is soft, somewhere between meat and tallow. It is very delicious. It will be enough to diversify it with spices without needing too much processing. Thyme is a must. A delicious method where you can get all the flavor of sleepiness is in this recipe. Bon appetit to those who will try it.

Ingredients for Sleeping Recipe
  • 500 grams of sleepiness
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of chili pepper

How to Make Sleepiness Recipe?

  • Chop the sleepiness into small pieces and wash them well. Put it in a strainer to drain the water.
  • Put the butter in the pan and melt it.
  • Place the drained sleepiness into the hot pan. Cook, stirring frequently, until nicely browned.
  • Sprinkle salt and spices on it.
  • Serve hot. Enjoy your meal.