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Sour Stuffed Onion Recipe
for 6 people
30 minutes
30 minutes

The different uses, cooking techniques and flavors of local recipes are astounding. Of course, each region has a different food culture and eating these delicacies locally is something else. But we, who do not have the opportunity to go to every region, do not want to be deprived of these tastes and we can't wait to eat stuffed sour onions, a Southeastern and Eastern Anatolian recipe!

Onion is a vegetable that is indispensable for our meals, adds flavor to our tables, but also leaves a smell when consumed raw. But miraculously, when cooked, it leaves no odor in the mouth, and the onion taste, which sometimes seems bitter, becomes sweet like sugar when cooked.

We have left the video below of this flavor that you will not be able to get enough of. 'What should I cook today?' As soon as you think, we strongly recommend that you prepare the ingredients for sour onion stuffing! Bon appetit in advance.

Ingredients for Sour Stuffed Onion Recipe
  • 4 onions (boiled )
  • 500 grams of ground beef
  • 1 cup fine bulgur
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (can be reduced or increased)
  • 1 tablespoon (heaping) pomegranate syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of mint
  • 1 teaspoon of chili pepper
  • 1/2 cup water

For the sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon pepper paste
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1/2 cup water

How to Make Sour Stuffed Onion Recipe?

  • Peel the onions, cut off some of the top and bottom parts, boil them in salt water until they soften, then remove them from the stove and let them cool.
  • After the onions have cooled, gently push them from bottom to top to ensure that each layer comes out smoothly. It is normal for a few bulbs to tear at this point.
  • For the filling of the stuffing, knead the minced meat, onion, fine bulgur, pomegranate syrup, chili pepper and mint by adding water.
  • Fill the kneaded stuffing into the onions divided into layers and place them in the pot.
  • For the sauce, mix the tomato and pepper pastes, oil and water in a bowl and pour over the stuffed vegetables.
  • First, boil it over high heat and then cook it over low heat for 30 minutes.