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Winter Roasting Recipe
for 8 people
15 minutes
40 minutes

Especially during the Eid al-Adha, the meat in our home becomes abundant. Meat goes into dozens of recipes. But it is quite difficult to consume them all at once. In this case, our traditions come into play and roasting, which is a delicious preservation method, is prepared. The meat, which preserves its freshness and flavor thanks to salt and fat, is put in the fridge to be eaten all winter.

Then, the delicious fried eggs and roasted toast that we eat for those breakfasts are prepared. It goes into the dishes and adds flavor to them. Tips include using lots of oil and adding more salt than we use in regular meals. Come on then, let's get the roasted dishes ready!

Ingredients for Winter Roasting Recipe
  • 1 kilogram of lamb meat
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 200 grams of tallow

How to Make Winter Roasting Recipe?

  • Chop your meat slightly smaller than cubes. Then place it in a large pot. Start cooking in its own juice.
  • Cook like this for 10 minutes. Then add the suet that you melted in another pot and fry. Cook in this way for about 20 minutes until the meat becomes soft and integrated with the inner fat.
  • Add salt before removing from the stove. Then remove it from the stove. Wait for it to cool slightly at room temperature.
  • After it cools down, place it in your storage container and cover it by pressing firmly. Store in the refrigerator. You can take it out and slice it whenever you want.