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Bulgur Chicken Soup Recipe
for 6 people
20 minutes
30 minutes

How about trying the chicken soup that you always prepare well, this time with vegetables and bulgur? This soup, which we prepared with coarse bulgur, also known as head bulgur, similar to beaten wheat or ashure wheat, has a very high fiber content and is healing with delicious winter vegetables. This is a delicious soup recipe that you can also prepare with meat or meatballs. Even though it takes a long time to cook, its taste will create a festive atmosphere on your palate and every spoon will be healing.

It is also possible to diversify the soup according to the season by adding your favorite vegetables. While the chicken is boiling, we prepare the vegetables and combine them all in the pot. We obtain a soup that is both nutritious and healing. Our bulgur chicken soup recipe, which is eager to be a guest on your tables, is with you, enjoy your meal.

Ingredients for Bulgur Chicken Soup Recipe
  • 1 cup bulgur (coarse grain or basmati type)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 chicken thigh
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 carrots _
  • 2 potatoes (medium size )
  • 1 onion _
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 lemon _
  • 2 tablespoons chopped dill

How to Make Bulgur Chicken Soup Recipe?

  • Soak the bulgur in water and wait for it to swell slightly. After it swells slightly, drain the water and set it aside.
  • Melt the butter in the pot, add the bulgur and start frying lightly. Add the chicken pieces, add the water, add the bay leaves and let it boil over low heat. While the chicken pieces are cooking, skim off any foam that accumulates on the surface and continue cooking.
  • While the chicken is cooking in the pot, chop the carrots, onions and potatoes into cubes. Also cut the garlic finely. Pour olive oil into a pan, heat it, add onions, carrots and potatoes one by one and start sautéing.
  • When the chicken starts to separate from the hip bone, remove the chicken breast and hip from the pot with a colander and wait until the first heat comes out to shred it.
  • Meanwhile, add the half-sautéed vegetables in the pan to the soup broth in the pot.
  • Shred the chicken meat, separate the bone and put it back into the soup pot. Cook over medium-low heat until the vegetables become soft. If it absorbs too much water, add water.
  • When the vegetables become soft and tender, reduce the heat. Add lemon juice and spices and mix. Before serving, remove the bay leaves and sprinkle dill on top.